Page 3 - February 2025
P. 3

From the


    February Greetings to Our Dear                            We are also honored to welcome back

    Readers and Supporters,                                   Peter Canova, whose thought-provoking

                                                              article delves into the nature of God,
                                                              drawing profound conclusions from
    As February unfolds, we find ourselves                    spiritual traditions, science, psychology,

    inching closer to spring—a time of                        and biology—validated through his own
    renewal, warmth, and awakening, both                      inner experiences.

    for Mother Earth and for our hearts.

                                                              This and more waiting for you in this
    I’m absolutely thrilled to present this                   February edition.
    edition of My Indigo Sun, filled with
    extraordinary content from an incredible                  Before I close, I want to share an important update:

    lineup of contributors. This may just be                  starting May 1, we will discontinue free distribution
    one of my personal favorites! Never                       of our magazine to unpaid subscribers. If you find

    before have we featured such a diverse                    value in our work and the knowledge we share, we
    array of voices.
                                                              invite you to support us by subscribing. A yearly

                                                              subscription is just $18—only $1.50 per edition—and
    In this issue, you’ll find insights from top-             we have kept this price unchanged for years. You
    tier astrologers, wisdom from our                         can also support us by making a donation in any

    favorite numerologist, Brendi Lei, and a                  amount that feels right to you. Find the Donate
    fascinating perspective from renowned                     option on our website -

    UK palmist T-Stokes, who explores
    Hikikomori, a Japanese concept of social

    withdrawal. Feng Shui expert Marie                        Thank you for your understanding and
    Diamond shares her guidance on how to                     continued support.
    “turn up the heat” in romantic

    relationships, offering practical and                     With gratitude and love,
    transformative advice.

                                                              Katerina and MIS team

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