Page 4 - February 2025
P. 4
Expression Number 1:
The Innovative Leader
Have you ever felt an undeniable drive to While your birth name holds the original
take charge, forge new paths, and inspire vibration of your Expression Number,
others to follow? If so, you’re already names can evolve. Whether through
channeling the energy of Expression nicknames, name changes, or shortened
Number 1. This number carries the energy versions, the energy of your name shifts
of bold beginnings, fearless leadership, and subtly over time. Yet, the essence of your
the pursuit of excellence. It’s not just about birth name remains a guiding influence.
being in charge but about confidently
stepping into your unique power to make Why does this matter? Your Expression
things happen. Number offers a roadmap to
understanding what you’re naturally
What Is the Expression Number? inclined to do and how you’re best
Also known as the Destiny Number, your equipped to do it. It highlights your
Expression Number comes from the total preferences, strengths, and even talents
values of the letters in your full birth name you’ve already mastered.
– first, middle, and last. It represents “the
how” behind your journey, revealing the In short, it helps you answer the question:
natural talents, abilities, and attitudes you What am I here to do?
bring into this life. These gifts are encoded
in the letters of your name, reflecting (For a deeper dive into the Expression
strengths and skills refined over lifetimes. Number’s significance, check out my blog
Think of your Expression Number as a set article: Your Name, Your Destiny: The
of tools to help fulfill your purpose. Power of the Expression Number.)
4 - My Indigo Sun