Page 9 - February 2025
P. 9
Sometimes when bad things happen, it’s Not everyone willingly does “deep
crystal clear in retrospect by the psychological work” but you will know
planetary symbolism of the transits of it’s for you if you are drawn to want to
the planets to our natal birth chart and know more. You will take classes, read
sometimes it is a complete mystery. This books and seek mentors to guide you.
lets us know we are not in charge or Eventually, a mentor can teach you to
control and our evolution will move become your own co-creator with the
forward with or without our ego as the Self and author of your life by letting you
director. go. Detaching from their influence
produces even more inner authority
Carl Jung called the archetype of the because your guidance is coming
Self, the objective greater personality directly from your unconscious. Daily,
within us that generates and integrates you can start journaling, recording your
life. Surrendering our will to this greater dreams and talking directly to your inner
center is individuation’s most important Self to keep your process going forward.
goal. The Self is the one producing Growth is the important factor to
symbols, dreams and synchronicities in embrace as we have free will to take
our everyday experiences that are what is given to us as the natal birth
acausal. They are not cause and effect chart and turn it into a gold mine should
and it is meaningful. In AION, Researches we decide to do the work of seeing our
into the Phenomenology of the Self he many selves clearly.
Here is an example of an Astrological
“… the task of individuation imposed on relationship consultation.
us by nature, and the recognition of our
wholeness or completeness, as a binding Me: “Why did you come to see me?”
personal commitment. If he does this
consciously and intentionally, he avoids He told me he was an industrial engineer.
all the unhappy consequences of He said, “I do supply chain, purchasing,
repressed individuation. In other words, if sourcing, logistics in oil and gas and have
he voluntarily takes the burden of been in business for myself for 15 years but
completeness on himself, he need not I have not been lucky with my partners. For
find it “happening” to him against his will the last year I had a relationship with a
in a negative form. This is as much as to partner who had a lot of money. Usually,
say that anyone who is destined to because I am an engineer, I am the one with
descend into a deep pit had better set the know-how but every time I have a
about it with all the necessary partner, it turns out bad. The last one used
precautions rather than risk falling into me. I even gave him sponsorship for U.S.
the hole backwards.” citizenship but as soon as he became a
resident, he kicked me out
My Indigo Sun - 9