Page 14 - February 2025
P. 14

through” fear and become emotionally                   Pisces lessons teach us how to

       stronger and more grounded in that                     surrender with grace when there is
       area. The transiting South Node                        nothing we can do to change or fix the

       describes the “comfort zone” to which                  problem, accept and forgive ourselves
       we retreat when the “new path” feels                   (and then others) for being flawed
       threatening. Moving forward always                     Human Beings, and practice

       requires that we leave something                       compassion and empathy toward all
       behind. If we are too attached to that                 creatures who suffer. Pisces also tests

       “something”, then fear of its loss may                 our ability to establish and maintain
       impede the soul’s progress. The South                  clear strong emotional and psychic
       Node sign describes the mode of                        boundaries so as to discern between

       behavior we fall back on when going                    personal feelings and the feelings of
       forward is just too scary.                             others being absorbed empathically.

       With North Node in Pisces, the                         Pisces rules the realm of imagination,

       importance of the spiritual aspect of                  fantasy, and dreams. “Healthy escape”
       our existence, and issues relating to the is an essential component of a

       spiritual principles that guide us in the              balanced life, and when “reality”
       way we choose to live our lives, come                  weighs too heavily for too long, without
       to the foreground in consciousness. We a break, all areas of life are adversely

       will all be re-evaluating and redefining               affected. Transcendence, or the ability
       these principles in the face of life                   to rise above the limits and struggles of

       experiences that challenge previously                  harsh reality, is one of Pisces’
       held beliefs. As our “sacred cows”                     superpowers! We are likely to be

       come into question, our spiritual                      inspired to explore new avenues of
       understanding must evolve to embrace healthy escapism through creative

       a broader perspective of what                          pursuits. Piscean creativity is often an
       spirituality looks like and how it is                  attempt to translate “The Sublime”,
       practiced in our everyday lives.                       spiritual revelation or that

       Unfortunately, the thing that is most                  overwhelming experience of being at
       likely to inspire such a spiritual search              one with The Divine, in some coherent

       is suffering and loss. We tend to seek                 way. We are likely to find ourselves
       spiritual guidance when we are in pain                 placing greater value on time spent in

       or afraid, feeling vulnerable, lost and                solitude, engaged in those mindless
       hopeless, and basically have no place                  activities that quiet the mind, provide

       else to turn.                                          peace, and soothe the soul.

    14 - My Indigo Sun
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