Page 15 - February 2025
P. 15
These are different for everyone, so Such increased psychic sensitivity
there is no “one size fits all” path to may be confusing, especially for those
inner peace. Be it spending more time who have built strong barriers to
in nature, reading a good book, protect themselves from the
meditating, exercising, soaking in a confusing intrusion of extrasensory
bubble bath, or working crafts, the information, preferring reason and
important thing is to realize that time logic to the language of the gut. If we
spent in these pursuits is just as make time and create space for this
important, if not more so, as time spent experience, and respect it as one
achieving some “productive” goal/end more variable to consider in our
product. We are also likely to become decision-making process, we will add a
more aware, through exaggeration and precious piece to our consciousness
negative experience, of those growing repertoire!
unhealthy modes of escape that do not
serve us well, and our delusions, which The transiting South Node will
may actually do us harm. The good emphasize the more challenging
news is, things have a magical way of aspects of Virgo energy. The tendency
disappearing and dissipating into the will be to feed our illusion of/addiction
ethers when Neptunian Pisces energy is to order, control and perfection by
in play. That which no longer serves seeking logic and mental clarity even
your higher good (soul’s purpose) may when there is no logic to be had. Energy
simply go the way of the dodo bird with spent on trying to fix what is not broken
very little effort on your part, if you will be especially exhausting. Ulterior
simply allow it to dissolve. motives for altruistic service (i.e. ego,
power, control, etc.) will be exposed. If
Finally, the veil that separates us from we criticize, judge, or find fault when
other dimensional experiences is much compassion and empathy are what is
thinner and more permeable in the needed, our efforts to “help” will fall on
oceanic Piscean realm. Whether we call deaf ears, and might even blow up in
it divine inspiration, intuitive knowing, our faces in very unpleasant ways. Any
or sheer madness, information OCD tendencies that we secretly
available from this nonrational, highly harbor are likely to reach the level of
symbolic, magically synchronistic, and full-blown obsession, for all to see!
individually defined realm is easier to Until July 2026, when the Lunar Nodes
access, and in some cases, impossible enter the Aquarius – Leo axis, the Devil
to avoid. is NOT in the details, but in our
addiction to them!
My Indigo Sun - 15