Page 12 - February 2025
P. 12

What she needed to do was to understand what              We have instead chosen our current concept of
       needs that future reality filled for her and how to time as a condition and measure that we can
       fulfill those needs in a different way, so that her       unanimously agree on. We are all vibrating at
       future no longer needed to have that tragic               different frequencies and such an agreed upon
       outcome. She did so and in fulfilling those needs, concept of time allows us not to seem or feel so
       she did indeed, quite literally change her future… alone, allowing us to be and exist in the same
                                                                 place, at the same time…
       In a Progression, if you see that things have
       worked out how you would wish them to, then               I have had instances in my life where I totally
       that's great! If not, you can understand why they stopped time, rearranged my reality and then
       didn't and be in a place from which to make the           stepped back into the here and now, time and
       necessary changes in order to actually create the flow, continuing on with the moment… This is
       future that you desire…                                   something that we are all capable of doing! I

                                                                 would love to help you learn how!
       I have been offering clients my unique form of
       Progression Therapy successfully for over                 As a bonus, during this afternoon, there will
       twenty years. I have also presented and                   be discussion and tips on how you can
       demonstrated Progression Therapy both in the              yourself more easily move around in time
       printed press and on Television. Each and every           and how to use the tools you gain for your
       one of us can easily travel backwards and                 own future time exploration.
       forwards in time. Hypnosis is not used or
       necessary, you will simply enter into a state of          Contact "Aura Holistic and Metaphysical Wellness" or
       deep relaxation from which, using very simple             myself directly to book your spot now!!
       imagery, you will be guided into 2 future times of
       your choice. You might choose to go forward in            I look forward to seeing you!
       time 1 year and 5, 5 years and 10, etc etc. There
       are no limitations.                                       With love,

                                                                 Petrene Soames
       One of the phrases that I often use and have
       coined is “time is mine”! I coined it because I
       personally know and have experienced that time            Where: "Aura Holistic and Metaphysical
       does not exist in the way that we perhaps like to         Wellness", 379 Sawdust Rd, Spring, TEXAS, 77380
       believe that it does...                                   When: Saturday March 1st, 2025, 13:00 - 16:00
                                                                 Cost: $120.00 per person.
                                                                 ( There will be a maximum of 15 people )

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