Page 13 - February 2025
P. 13
The Pisces - Virgo Lunar Nodes
Giving up Gravity for Grace
On January 11, 2025, the Lunar Nodes pursue or follow our “life path” or
enter the Pisces - Virgo axis, where they purpose. If we’re on the right track,
will remain until July 2026. This cycle nodal transits bring “gifts” in the form
repeats approximately every nineteen of positive support or success
years by transit, spending about 1.5 years indicators relating to one’s current
in each sign axis. To better understand course, and a fulfilling and meaningful
what this transit means for you, it helps to sense of accomplishment that comes
review experiences, insights, and patterns when one is operating in attunement
that came up for review in your life during with soul purpose. The need to
previous periods of the same transit. somehow change direction is indicated
Previous Pisces – Virgo transits of the by challenges in the form of blocks,
Moon’s Nodes occurred during: resistance, or negative feedback (lack
of support) that impede one’s progress
June 2006 – December 2007 December and require struggle to achieve or
1987 – May 1989 move forward on one’s course. We
April 1969 – November 1970 realize how much energy is being
July 1950 – March 1952 wasted fighting to overcome
resistance, with little if any emotional
The transiting nodes are like a “Cosmic and spiritual reward in return.
Progress Report“, providing insight into
life path direction as it relates to the Transiting Nodes describe the “work of
“soul’s evolutionary journey”. The South the soul” on both the personal and
Node reveals unfinished business from collective level. The transiting North
the past, still needing resolution, and the Node describes an area needing growth
North Node coincides with new and expanded awareness and often
experiences and opportunities required requires emotional “risk-taking
to evolve in this lifetime. We become behavior” and the need to venture into
aware of changes we need to make to unfamiliar territory. Insecurities around
adapt life circumstances in order to live in that area are sensitized and
a way which enables us to more honestly exaggerated, which forces us to “push
My Indigo Sun - 13