Page 16 - February 2025
P. 16

The goal is, of course, to integrate the                 It is understanding the true nature of
       nodal axis, to dance wisely and                          service to be “karma free”, performed

       gracefully along the spectrum of                         from a place of unconditional love,
       experience between two opposing                          rather than sacrifice/ suffering or

       energetic principles, depending on                       duty/obligation, which produces karmic
       what works best according to the                         debt for the recipient. The goal is to
       circumstances. In the case of the                        become the authority of, and take

       Pisces-Virgo axis, integration is the                    responsibility for, our own Spiritual
       ability to apply practical reality to                    Path and choices along the way and to

       dreams, soul yearnings, and our                          learn how to function effectively (take
       experience of other dimensional                          care of the business of living) even

       realities, like psychic and intuitive                    amidst chaos and uncertainty. As one
       energies, that reality cannot validate. It               born with this nodal axis, I offer this

       is also the wisdom to practically apply                  wisdom gleaned from a lifetime of
       spiritual principles to daily life, find and             learning: Life is a much more wonderful
       honor the sacred in the mundane, and                     experience when you commit to

       recognize the Divine as it exists in                     “having tea with God/Goddess” on a
       everything. It is the acceptance that                    daily basis, even when life is good, just

       not all things can be fixed and the                      to connect and commune, to seek
       emotional strength to surrender and                      guidance and express gratitude. The

       adapt to a “reality” we did not choose                   Force is always with us, alive and in all
       or want, or let go of the illusion of                    things! We need only be still, pay

       control and embrace one’s                                attention, and know!
       vulnerability in an unpredictable world.
                                                                By Kimberly McSherry

    16 - My Indigo Sun
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