Page 19 - February 2025
P. 19

In the UK, where British subjects are                 Look at This Handprint
      now heavily outnumbered by foreign                    If you have any of these signals, please be
      migrants, many people live in towns                   concerned:

      where the library, post office, pub,                     1. A hand totally covered in lines: This is
      corner shop, bus service, dental, and                      technically called a "full hand" and shows

      doctors' surgeries have closed, and                        too much going on. It’s an anxiety signal and
      their neighbors do not speak English.                      often seen in insomnia and nocturnal

      This has meant Hikikomori, or                              restlessness. This is also seen where
      enforced isolation, is commonplace,                        antibiotics kill off all the stomach bacteria

      and suicides among the British                             and flora, good and bad.
      people have skyrocketed. The                            2. A much shorter first than third finger:
      official figures in the UK for 2019 are                    This shows very low self-esteem.

      5,000 mainly young suicides.                               When curved like this, it infers an
      Samaritans counseling services say                         overstrict or emotionally unavailable

      the real figures are much higher.                          father. This is the prime cause in
                                                                 women for low self-esteem, self-
      Some years back, I was a                                   sabotage, and self-harming issues.

      college counselor and was                               3. Lines up and across the fingertips: This
      shocked at the number who                                  shows adrenal burnout. The thyroid here

      used drugs, alcohol, and self-                             looks very poor.
      harming as escape mechanisms                            4. The headline is forked, showing

      from loneliness. When I was a                              indecision, which is a major cause of
      radio psychic agony uncle,                                 anxiety. The lower branch hits the Moon

      loneliness was the most                                    mount. This shows over-imagination. In
      common phone-in topic.                                     medieval times, this was seen as the

                                                                 moon controlling the brain. Modern
      I was asked by the library to hold                         research claims that the moon rules all
      a meetup day there for single                              the tides of the earth—in fact, all bodies

      mothers and preschool children.                            of water, plus all the bodily fluids,
      The library room could hold up                             including what is in the brain. So, again,

      to 20 of what I called "Mums and                           this shows the ancients were correct.
      Tots." The first week, we had 43                        5. The lifeline goes wobbly and changes

      mums show up. The next week, it                            course at approximately age 50. This is
      was 75.                                                    the tipping point.

                                                                                                         My Indigo Sun - 19
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