Page 24 - February 2025
P. 24
Here’s a list of objects you should Avoid displaying anything here that
place in this area in order to activate represents the water element since
it for passion: this can literally put a dampener on
your passion! This includes things
Artwork and images that represent like water features, fishbowls, and
passion. This can be paintings of photos or images of lakes, rivers, or
couples dancing together, embracing, waterfalls. Similarly, avoid
feeding each other food – whatever displaying any images or artwork in
resonates most with you. this area that represents solitude,
Your wedding photo or any photo loneliness, or unhappiness. That
of you and your partner looking sad clown painting may be a prized
particularly loved-up, displayed in family heirloom, but it won’t do
a cherry-red photo frame. your relationship any favors if you
Fire elements, such as candles, hang it here!
triangular objects, or battery- Remove any items from that area
operated LED lights. In Feng Shui, that have associations with
fire elements help to promote previous relationships. This can
passion, warmth, and a feeling of include any gifts given to you by
activeness. an ex, any photos taken by an ex
In Diamond Feng Shui, the color or during any trips you may have
cherry red represents passion, so taken together, or anything you
add splashes of this color to the bought together. This isn’t to say
area in the form of candles, throw you have to dispose of them
pillows and other soft furnishings. altogether, but save it for a more
Rose quartz is the crystal best communal area such as the living
associated with love, so have a room instead.
chunk of it sitting out in this area. Remove anything from this area
Better yet, see if you can find a relating to work (this includes
rose quartz in the shape of a work laptops), any sort of clutter,
heart. and anything that you don’t
Display items in pairs (such as two consider to represent romance or
candles together) since this will passion. Do not under any
promote harmony and balance circumstances place a bin or
within your relationship. wastebasket here.
24 - My Indigo Sun