Page 25 - February 2025
P. 25
Your Goals for Passion
Now, while you’re activating your Once you’ve finished, put the list in a
Relationship Direction, it’s helpful to reflect cherry-red envelope and place it in
on what passion means to you. Passion can your Relationship Direction. Enjoy as
take many different forms and can look vastly you watch the sparks fly!
different from relationship to relationship.
Bottom line? It’s not always just about the By Marie Diamond
birds and the bees! Physical intimacy exists
on a very wide spectrum, and sex might not Pick up your copy of my new
always be the end goal for you. Whether it’s global best-selling book “Feng Shui
through physical intimacy, maintaining a Your Life”
deep spiritual connection, or simply taking You Can Join Marie Diamond and
the time to reconnect with each other Learn How to Feng Shui Your Life At:
without any interruptions, passion can
manifest in many different ways.
Facebook: @MarieDiamondfans
Talk to your partner and listen to each Instagram: @MarieDiamondOfficial
other’s outlook on passion. Open TikTok: @MarieDiamondOfficial
communication is key in any aspect of a YouTube: @MarieDiamondOfficial
relationship! Together, write down your
goals on how you will both help maintain
the passion in your relationship.
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