Page 23 - February 2025
P. 23

Turn Up the Heat!

          How to Activate Your Personal Relationship Direction with Feng Shui

        Let’s face it, it can be hard sometimes to              For the first step, you’ll need to find your
        make passion a priority in your day-to-day              Personal Energy Number. This is a number

        life.                                                   from  one  to  nine  and  is  based  on  your
                                                                date  of  birth  and  the  gender  you  were

        This may seem unthinkable at the start of               assigned  at  birth.  To  find  it,  head  to
        a  relationship  whilst  you’re  in  that  all- or scan the QR code

        consuming,        can’t-keep-your-hands-off-            below  to  download  the  free  Marie
        each-other stage. As time goes on, this is              Diamond app:
        naturally replaced with something calmer

        and  less  intense  (good  thing  too,
        otherwise we’d never get any work done!).

        But that doesn’t mean passion no longer
        has  a  part  to  play.  In  fact,  maintaining

        passion  becomes  more  important  the
        longer  you’re  in  a  relationship.  Even  the

        most  loved-up  of  couples  can  turn  into
        roommates  when  effort  to  keep  that
        “spark” alive is lost.

                                                               The app will tell you your Personal Energy
        If this is something you find yourself                 Number,  your  archetype,  and  your  four

        relating to, why not ask the Universe                  Personal       Directions       according        to
        for some help? In Diamond Feng Shui,                   Diamond Feng Shui. In this case, we’ll be
        you have a Personal Direction in your                  focusing on the Relationship Direction.

        home          specifically         for       your
        relationship.  You  can  activate  this                Once  you  have  your  Relationship

        direction  to  send  a  message  straight              Direction,  it’s  time  for  a  little  boudoir
        to the Universe, letting it know what it               makeover! Since your romantic energy is

        is  you  want.  It’s  quick,  it’s  easy,  and         most concentrated in the bedroom, that’s
        you’ll rediscover that “spark” quicker                 where you should be focusing. Using the

        than you can say “chocolate-covered                    Diamond  Compass  on  the  app,  find  the
        strawberries!”                                         direction, and clear a little space there.

                                                                                                    My Indigo Sun - 23
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