Page 26 - February 2025
P. 26
Astrological Insights for February 2025
The events of February are likely to be Retrograde Mars in Gemini (January 21 –
dominated by the energy of the February 24, 2025)
Neptune-Rahu conjunction. This From January 21, 2025, to February 24,
challenging aspect often creates 2025, retrograde Mars will transit
instability and sudden changes for through Gemini. As an air sign ruled by
individuals with this alignment in their Mercury, Gemini emphasizes
natal charts, manifesting as frustrating intellectual energy over physical
and unfortunate experiences. During strength. Mars in Gemini blends
this time, it is advisable to avoid new materialistic pursuits (Mars being a
commitments and maintain a low- material planet) with intellectual
profile approach. endeavors (Gemini’s domain under
Mercury), leading to significant
At a collective level, covert activities fluctuations in both knowledge and
worldwide may escalate under the material outcomes. Globally, this
influence of this conjunction. Neptune’s period is likely to bring tremendous
secretive nature may obscure the full ups and downs, with pronounced
extent of these activities, particularly in impacts on research and academic
matters related to terrorism and institutions, diplomats, space
international conflicts. Regarding the technology, and industries related to
Ukraine-Russia war, Neptune’s transit in artificial intelligence, communication
sidereal Pisces does not favor (e.g., cell phones, the internet, social
authoritarian regimes. However, Rahu’s media), and information technology.
concurrent transit in Pisces counters
Neptune’s energy, temporarily stalling Read the full article here.
the decline of authoritarian influence.
This planetary combination may Jagdish Maheshri
intensify the Ukraine-Russia conflict. By
the end of May 2025, as Rahu exits Professional Vedic Astrologer
Read Google reviews by google
sidereal Pisces, its counteracting searching, “Astro Insight”
influence on Neptune will diminish. For more information about
Consequently, Russian President services and classes please visit
Putin’s grip on the Ukraine-Russia war
may begin to weaken.
26 - My Indigo Sun