Page 10 - February 2025
P. 10

I told myself no more. No more                          It’s a challenge to have the Sun opposite
       partnerships after 15 years experiencing                both Pluto and Uranus because when

       men who I partnered with that turned                    you are on the other end of it, you
       against me. I am recently also having                   wonder why is this happening to me

       trouble with my wife. I wanted to go to a               again?”
       different city. The issue was financial as              Him: “Yes, right.”

       you know when you have a partner, it
       can be difficult as both people need to                 Me: “So it’s really important for you to

       be willing to go and we have two                        understand how you contribute to that
       children, ages 9 and 12.”                               situation by manipulating, by not being

                                                               completely up front, by using your gift
       I said, “In your natal birth chart you have             with words, (Moon in Gemini) to skirt
       the Sun in the 10th house of career, so                 around issues, possibly using humor
       Houston is a good place to own your own                 when difficult conversations need to be

       business for the industry you are in, but               addressed.”
       the planets Uranus and Pluto are
       opposite your Sun (180˚ aspect). Uranus                 Him: “Yes, yes.”
       is the planet of originality, independence
       and a strong desire to do your own thing.               Me: “It’s important to get to the point

       In other words, beating to your own
       drum and not liking for anybody to tell                 with people and be truthful and it’s also
       you what to do. With Pluto also in a 180˚               important to put your cards on the table

       aspect, you would also draw people to                   and let it fly, like, this is it. Our integrity
       you that are powerful, who you must pit                 lies in being vulnerable to what we really
       yourself against in power struggles. One                want to have happen. To say, here it is,
       of the things I teach people is to see their            this is how I see it. Now how can we do
       unconscious, because if we don’t see it, it             this together? How can we meet

       keeps being put in front of us. In Jungian              halfway? It’s not your way or my way but
       psychology, it’s called the shadow. Our                 a synthesis of the two that can create
       shadow is everything about us that we                   more for both of us. So, negotiation with

       don’t know about, that we deny or                       men because this all started with your
       repress for the sake of our ego ideals, so              father (the Sun). You need to learn you’re
       the way we usually see it is to project it
       out onto another person. They are like                  not an island. Compromise means
       that, we are not. Pluto is also about                   everything in these partnerships you

       integrity and owning your own power so                  create with two oppositions to the Sun
       when somebody tries to be in power                      from two outer planets.
       over you, they may misuse their power

       and ride roughshod over you.                            Read the full article here.

     10 - My Indigo Sun                                        Rebeca Eigen
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