Page 8 - February 2025
P. 8

The Astrological Birth Chart as a

                                            Road Map

        One of Carl Jung’s key concepts of                      Jung called this a neurosis which he defined as

        personality development is individuation                “A psychological crisis due to a state of disunity
        (becoming a distinct individual separate                with oneself, or, more formally, a mild
        from the group or the family). He                       dissociation of the personality due to the

        combined psychology with Alchemy                        activation of complexes.” Our shadow is a
        which had Astrology embedded in its                     complex and we are all neurotic to some extent

        foundation. You could not be an                         as no one knows their whole self. He also said
        Alchemist without a knowledge of                        we don’t know what the unconscious is up to so

        Astrology because timing was an integral                psychoneurosis is an attempt at self-healing.
        part of the work. With its rich symbolism,

        Alchemy brings with it the realization                  As the saying goes, it’s hard to teach an
        that we are all part of the Cosmos (the                 old dog new tricks but if those new tricks
        macroscosm) that is alive and evolving.                 are necessary, we are guaranteed to be
                                                                forced to look at what we are doing to
                                                                sabotage ourselves. Our unconscious Self
        When a client comes in for a                            (God within, an antimony) that is both

        consultation, the birth chart is a detailed             dark and light, will set it up for us to meet
        and substantial diagnostic tool to see the              just the right person that reflects our own

        issues from both an astrological and                    unconscious shadow or we walk into the
        psychological perspective. These are                    exact situation we thought we had worked
                                                                through long ago. Once again, we
        only going to be helpful to the client to               experience another betrayal or difficulty
        the degree he or she truly embraces a                   in a relationship or marriage, financial or
        new worldview that life is both                         job loss, accident or debilitating illness

        meaningful, and purposeful with an                      that symbolizes a place we are still stuck,
        enduring knowledge that nothing                         where we have become lop-sided and it
                                                                becomes clear, it is hurting us. Accepting
        happens by accident.                                    that what we manifest is for our benefit is
                                                                not an easy pill to swallow individually or
        By the time we are in our 40s or at least               collectively. Real and lasting

        50s, we know situations, people and                     transformation can and does occur with
        events are repeating. (This goes for                    consistent effort, but no one does it
        countries too, not just individuals.)                   overnight. It takes time to integrate even
        Change is so frighteningly slow that most               when we think to ourselves that sounds
        of us will continue to do the same things               good, I will apply it, but can we honestly
        over and over expecting a different result              say we give this worldview our

        until we are backed up against a wall.                  consideration daily?

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