Page 10 - July 2024
P. 10

The Lunation Cycle &

                         The Heroine’s Journey

        “This being human is a guest house.                    This magical merging symbolizes the light
        Every morning is a new arrival.                        of consciousness (Sun) impregnating the

        A joy, a depression, a meanness, some                  womb of the unconscious (Moon).  It holds
        momentary awareness comes as an                        the promise of a monthly new beginning,

        unexpected visitor.                                    and if nurtured and cared for through each
        Welcome and entertain them all!  Treat each  phase, the eventual birth of a higher level
        guest honorably.                                       of emotional strength and fulfillment, and

        The dark thought, the shame, the malice,               a more strongly fortified personal center.
        meet them at the door laughing, and invite             Working with the phases of the Moon each

        them in.                                               month helps us to actively engage in the
        Be grateful for whoever comes, because each  Heroine’s Journey and to make the most of
        has been sent as a guide from beyond.”                 its emotionally healing potential.

                                                               Astrologically, the luminaries symbolize

        Of all the planetary forces in Astrology, the  the masculine-feminine polarity and two
        influence of the Moon is the most personal  distinctly different paths of evolution.
        and prominent in our everyday lives.                   Although both describe a lifelong

        Coupled with the Sun, She was the first                maturation process, the motivation for,
        heavenly body to capture the imagination               the process, and the end goal of that

        of our most primitive ancestors.  Her                  growth are very different.  The Sun in its
        phases reflected the mysterious birth-                 steady and consistent movement forward
        life-death cycle of Nature, the primary                throughout the year best describes “The

        biological imperative of childbirth for                Hero’s Journey” and the development
        women, and the reproductive power of                   of the masculine side of consciousness,

        The Great Goddess, so She became the                   so thoughtfully explored by famed
        purest archetype of The Divine Feminine                mythologist, Joseph Campbell, and many
        in Astrology.  Each month Moon and Sun                 others.  The Moon, on the other hand,

        join in the same sign of the zodiac at The             with its cyclic, rhythmic and changing
        New Moon to begin a Divine Dance, which  phases, is a more fitting paradigm for “The

        lasts for 28-29 days, and then begins again.    Heroine’s Journey” and development of

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