Page 11 - July 2024
P. 11

the feminine side of consciousness.   Both

                                                               journeys have their dangers and rewards,
                                                               and they are equally important to the

                                                               development of a “whole” Human Being.
                                                               Much myth and scholarly attention has
                                                               been devoted to understanding the hero’s

                                                               journey, with its emphasis on action and
                                                               daring deeds, usually motivated by external

                                                               forces in the form of challenges to virility
                                                               and ego, threats to those the hero is sworn
                                                               to protect, or the need to prove one’s worth

                                                               in order to establish sovereignty and the
                                                               respect of the people over which the hero

                                                               is destined to rule.  Evolution for the
                                                               hero takes the energetic path of the spiral
                                                               moving outward from “center” into the

                                                               external world, widening and expanding to
                                                               gather new experience and courageously

                                                               breach the boundaries that define one’s
                                                               “comfort” zone.   It is the search for Spirit
                                                               (Sun/Ego), that inspirational spark of

                                                               divinity that resides within us all and
                                                               defines us as individuals with a unique

                                                               gift to contribute to the world.  The hero’s
                                                               journey separates us from the herd,
                                                               and moves us through the process of

                                                               individuation.  There are dragons to slay,
                                                               obstacles to overcome, villains to conquer,

                                                               and damsels in distress to save.  The
                                                               heroine’s journey, on the other hand, not
                                                               so action-packed and exciting, has received

                                                               much less press, mythically. Too many of
                                                               the modern attempts to depict the heroic

                                                               feminine simply depict a woman adept
                                                               at the same masculine principles (daring,

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