Page 13 - July 2024
P. 13

can manifest, grow and prosper, and                    or encounters in his adventures, the
        ultimately reach refined, perfected                    successful heroine’s journey depends on

        expression.  Whereas the hero strives to               her intuitive ability to respond and adapt
        reach the new heights of Olympus and                   accordingly to circumstances, and to

        Zeus/Jupiter’s domain, where we can                    make the best of situations as they arise.
        discover Spirit and live among the Gods,               Whereas the Hero creates or chooses
        the heroine takes us into the depths of The  outer world experience to challenge and

        Underworld, Hades/Ereshkigal’s domain,                 test his virility, prowess, and strength (stir
        in search of the Soul, that place of Source,  energy up), the Heroine’s struggles test

        which is already “there” and the womb                  her ability to accept/surrender, endure,
        from which all life on Earth emerges.                  persevere, flow with the natural rhythms
        Whether She’s abducted and dragged to                  of current reality, process and integrate

        Underworld by force, like Persephone,                  energy, and enhance or add value to the
        or enters out of desperation, like Psyche,             Human experience.  The goal/motive of

        or chooses to make the perilous journey                the Hero’s journey is to break free from
        in quest of integration and wholeness,                 the collective experience of Oneness in
        like Inanna, the Heroine’s journey almost              order to individuate as a separate entity,

        always requires travel into the shadowy,               whereas the goal/motive of the Heroine’s
        murky depths of the unconscious realm,                 journey is union with “Source” and the

        where it begins and ends.  There is no                 collective experience of one Humanity.
        majestic goal, like The Holy Grail, or                 The Hero seeks to find himself and realize
        imagined vision of great accomplishment,  his unique personal expression of The

        like the status of a great warrior or worthy  Divine (Ego).  The Heroine seeks to lose
        King, to spur the Heroine on Her journey.   herself and dissolve personal ego in favor

        Rather, it is motivated by the emotional               of union and co-creation as a vessel for
        longing to fill some ineffable void                    The Divine. Like Inanna’s descent into
        (connection), to live more comfortably                 the Underworld, the Heroine’s journey

        in the flow of life’s fluctuating reality              requires that she relinquish all earthly
        (to make peace with what is, as it is),                attachments, be stripped naked and left

        or to create the kind of stability needed              hanging on a meat hook as a rotting
        (grounding) to enhance human existence  corpse for a while, and completely
        beyond the experience of sheer survival.               surrender Her previous identity in

        Whereas the Hero’s journey separates and  order to be reborn into a higher level
        seeks individuation, the Heroine’s journey  of consciousness.  Unlike the bold and

        unifies and seeks integration.  Whereas                daring feats of the Hero, which usually
        the success of the hero’s journey depends              include an audience of avid fans or fellow
        on his instinctive ability to act and react            warriors cheering him on, her journey is

        appropriately to circumstances he creates              made in isolation, shrouded in mystery,
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