Page 17 - July 2024
P. 17
a beginning if we choose to make this new important and mysterious process. We
life our own and share it with the world. are somehow changed, albeit in subtle,
Sometimes, especially if the lunar work often imperceivable ways. We must say
of this cycle is purely personal, awareness goodbye to what was, and properly mourn
is enough for organic change to occur its passing, in order to fully embrace and
spontaneously, with little or no effort. celebrate what is now true and real. We
must release any remnants of the old
At the waning Disseminating Phase, forms, as well as doubts pertaining to the
we actively engage in wider social efficacy and value of the new, lest they
participation and the desire to share, become toxic impediments to be dragged
test and demonstrate the new form our into the next cycle of evolution. We must
solar impulse has taken, fine tuning make time to rest and restore energy
and perfecting as needed and as social expended in order to have an ample
experimentation dictates. It is at this phase supply for the work of the next cycle. Most
that “we teach what we need to learn”. importantly, if we made it to this point in
the heroine’s journey, we must congratulate
At the waning Third (or Last) quarter and reward ourselves for a job well done.
phase, we face yet another crisis. This We must be our own cheering section, for
time, rather than action, the crisis occurs we made this journey in isolation, and we
in the realm of consciousness and alone understand the value of what has
execution. New forms (awarenesses, been gained.
beliefs, understandings) always challenge
accepted forms of the past. In order for The Heroine’s Journey is not ruled by the
the new form to be fully implemented, God of Reason, but by the Goddess of
past forms that are incompatible with its Necessity. It will not be rationalized or
expression must be repudiated and finally justified. It is not logical or considerate,
transcended. As old assumptions are but driven by psychic imperatives that
questioned and challenged, commitment often emerge from the unconscious and
and dedication to the new vision are abduct us to The Underworld at the
further tested. most inconvenient times. The depths
of the unconscious are unlimited and
At the waning Balsamic Phase, or the unfathomable, their exploration, a
“Dark of the Moon”, we complete the lifelong pursuit. In the “As above, so
process of the current cycle and prepare below” paradigm, we must be willing to
fertile ground for the next. Integration, explore those murky depths if we ever to
the absorbing of a new awareness hope to obtain the heights sought by the
within the psyche, is a profoundly Hero. The Heroine’s Journey leads us to a 17