Page 21 - July 2024
P. 21

country. Taurus, being an earth sign
                                                               and fixed in nature, reflects Uranus’s

                                                               energy of independence, ambition,
                                                               energy, impulsivity, and unpredictability,

                                                               suggesting profound changes in global
                                                               politics and material realms.

                                                               The retrograde motion of Neptune
                                                               signifies a prolonged and grinding

                                                               phase in the Ukraine-Russia conflict,
                                                               marked by twists, turns, deception,
                                                               and confusion. This period is likely to

                                                               intensify uncertainty and anxieties on a
                                                               global scale.

                                                               In summary, July appears set to be a
                                                               month of slow progress and significant

                                                               challenges, influenced by planetary
                                                               retrograde motions and dynamic shifts in

                                                               political and financial landscapes. These
                                                               astrological indicators suggest a period
                                                               where patience and strategic navigation

                                                               maybe essential.

                                                               Read the whole article here.

                                                                              Jagdish Maheshri
                                                                              Professional Vedic Astrologer

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                                                                              searching, “Astro Insight”

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                                                               services and classes please visit

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