Page 26 - July 2024
P. 26

911 from your Soul –

                                Are you being called?

        Life is a spiritual journey. Every breath,             • You run from opportunity to

        every relationship, every joy and sorrow               opportunity, looking for some trace of
        are calling you to remember who you really  your old spark.
        are, and to be and experience all that you

        came here for. Our discomforts, challenges,  • You’re being asked to radically change
        and even crises are invitations to free                some aspect of your life (or life seems to

        ourselves, expand our wings and rise into              be forcing such a change on you), and
        our highest expression—for ourselves, for              some part of your familiar identity has
        those we love, and for all of humanity.                been shaken or stripped away.

        For each of us, there will come a time when  • You are hiding out or playing smaller

        our Soul longs to birth something for us               than you know is possible for you.
        and through us. Often this is the thing that
        we most strongly resist, are afraid of, or             • You are grappling with the bigger

        think we aren’t ready for. When we ignore              questions in life, such as, “What is the
        the call, it doesn’t go away – it gets louder.         purpose of life? Who am I, and what am

        Eventually, it becomes a 911.                          I here to do?

        Tune in and see if any of these are                    We all undergo challenges in life and

        resonant for you.                                      not all become a 911. The distinction
                                                               with a 911 is that there is a magnetic

        • You feel lost and unsure about the                   pull deep within ourselves, a luring
        trajectory of your life, and the traditional  forward, that accompanies the
        resources that served you in the past are              challenge. There is a bubbling-up of

        no longer working.                                     new questions that, try as you might,
                                                               you can no longer brush over, sweep

        • Things that used to bring you joy are                aside, or avoid. It might speak loudly;
        falling flat.                                          it might scream. Or it might whisper
                                                               subtly, yet with such persistence that

        • You feel a persistent yearning—like                  you simply cannot ignore it.
        something is missing or off.

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