Page 29 - July 2024
P. 29

The lesson from these beautiful souls is
                                                               clear: if you want a life with no regrets,
                                                               seize the precious, gifted moments now.

                                                               Peace and joy are enlivened by the deep
                                                               knowing that you gave it your all and left

                                                               nothing on the table.

                                                               So, if you are feeling the pull …

                                                               If you are hearing the whisper …

                                                               If you are at a critical point of choice in
                                                               your life, and you’re being called forward

                                                               into the unknown … your Soul is
                                                               speaking and inviting you to embark on

                                                               a quest. Not the kind that will take you to
                                                               a far-away landscape where your current
                                                               life seems only a dream, but one that will

                                                               take you deeper into yourself.

                                                               You are more than you know yourself to
                                                               be. You are limitless, infinite, and whole.

                                                               Now is your time to answer the call.  For
                                                               you, for others and for all of humanity.

                                                               By Jeanine Thompson
                                                               Jeanine Thompson is a Transformational
                                                               Coach, speaker, and author whose breadth

                                                               of knowledge and experience spans
                                                               multiple disciplines and professional
                                                               expressions from clinical psychotherapy

                                                               to global business to advancing spiritual
                                                               growth. She shares her journey and how

                                                               others can reach their full potential in her
                                                               first book, 911 From Your Soul (World
                                                               Changers Media, Sept. 6, 2022).

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