Page 25 - July 2024
P. 25

that what is inside is also outside                    “As far as we can discern, the sole purpose
        in a person, an event, an object, etc.                 of human existence is to kindle a light in

        individually and collectively.  It is a                the darkness of mere being. It may even
        multivalent symbolic language. This                    be assumed that just as the unconscious

        helps us let go of the belief that we are              affects us, so the increase in our
        victims, the predominant worldview                     consciousness affects the unconscious.”
        of the Age of Pisces. It offers us the                 — Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams,

        opportunity to change ourselves                        Reflections, page 326
        through consciousness. As we become

        more conscious of our inner world as it                Rebeca Eigen
        relates to our outer world, we are each
        contributing to the evolution of the

        God image.

        In Carl Jung’s autobiography, he makes
        this profound statement,

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