Page 27 - July 2024
P. 27

Ultimately, it prompts a holy reassembly of
                                                               who you are, and who you know yourself

                                                               to be. Life is speaking, and it’s asking you to
                                                               grow beyond where you’ve been.

                                                               During a 911, you may wake up to
                                                               everything you’ve been keeping yourself

                                                               too busy to acknowledge, and all the
                                                               ways you’ve been squeezing yourself

                                                               into a box you didn’t create or desire.
                                                               All the parts of you seeking growth and
                                                               evolution are calling for your attention.

                                                               You may be directed to take action you
                                                               don’t understand or have feared. You may

                                                               be invited to embody greater courage,
                                                               truth, and alignment—to step into the
                                                               space of the “and,” where all of you can

                                                               be present and find room to thrive.

                                                               You’ve always been in search of this,
                                                               whether you are aware of it or not. At the
                                                               core of you is a deep, primal long¬ing—a

                                                               longing to meet yourself and live in
                                                               union with the sacred, which is within,

                                                               beyond, and all around you.

                                                               And yet, we miss or deny that call for

                                                               months, even years. Why? Because it
                                                               works for us not to address the struggle.

                                                               We often prefer the pain of the familiar
                                                               to the fear of the unknown. As long as
                                                               life is still working (sort of), we see no

                                                               reason to blow it all up. Why rock the
                                                               boat that’s still afloat?

                                                               I think we’ve lost sight. We’ve forgotten
                                                               we are more than human beings that

                                                               do and acquire and produce. We deeply
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