Page 22 - July 2024
P. 22

Astrology and Synchronicity —

                       What’s Inside is Outside

        There is no better psychological system
        for recognizing our innate archetypal

        psychic structure and individual needs
        than through Astrology. When it comes
        to self-knowledge, it can explain all

        the different parts of us with amazing
        accuracy, however, that doesn’t mean

        they are always operating consciously.
        Socialized into wearing a mask, we hide
        the parts of ourselves that experienced

        the profound trauma of not having
        approval or acceptance in childhood.

        Initially, we meet each other through our
        persona — this social mask we all wear.
        Carl Jung says,

        “Designed on the one hand to make a
        definite impression upon others and, on

        the other, to conceal the true nature of the

        — Carl Jung, Two Essays in Analytical
        Psychology, par 309, pg 193

        In this way, it acts as a buffer to protect
        our egos as we go out into the world. In

        Astrology, it closely resembles what we
        call the rising sign which is the sign on

        the first house cusp in our birth chart. To
        truly know us, a person will have to get
        through our various ego defenses that

        keep certain parts of us hidden. Studying

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