Page 24 - July 2024
P. 24

we think, learn and communicate and                    are usually strongly demonstrating three or
        especially how we assimilate information               four of them. As we begin to explore our

        into our everyday experiences. Our Venus               own Astrological blueprint, we come to the
        shows our need for security, comfort                   realization that we are all very complicated

        and pleasure by what we value, attract                 people. In fact, no two people will be
        to ourselves and find beautiful. It also               identical unless they happen to have been
        describes our style in relating when we                born the same day, city, state and country

        desire intimacy with others. With Mars, we             and exact time, am or pm. Like snowflakes,
        take action as it is our aggressive instinct           we each have all the archetypes only they

        to go after what we want. Whether we are               are in different proportions.
        male or female, we all have both a Venus
        and Mars function and these first five                 Another term that Carl Jung introduced

        planets describe our basic personality.                is the paradigm of “synchronicity.”
        Next in this mix of characteristics, there

        are Jupiter and Saturn that give us the                “Synchronicity therefore means the
        desire for social and interpersonal rules              simultaneous occurrence of a certain
        and structures. Jupiter shows how we                   psychic state with one or more external

        search for meaning, our religious nature               events which appear as meaningful
        and our need to expand our horizons.                   parallels to the momentary subjective

        Saturn is where we all feel inferior and               state.” — Carl Jung, The Structure
        where we will work extra hard to become                and Dynamics of the Unconscious,
        our own authority. It is an accomplishment             Synchronicity, An Acausal Connecting

        as we grow in our responsibility and                   Principal, Par 580
        make dutiful commitments to each other.

        Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are a trio of                Synchronicity is contradictory
        transpersonal planets that influence our               to the cause-and-effect scientific
        need to relate to the transcendent (higher             worldview that most adhere to. Yet,

        Self) in our inner world. They also describe           as our Astrology shows, we know that
        generational movements in the collective               synchronicity occurs from the moment

        unconscious which is what transforms the               of birth. Objective is always mirroring
        consciousness of the whole.                            subjective even if what is occurring
                                                               seems as if it is random and chance to

        These are all different aspects of our many            most people.
        selves with their own signs and aspects.

        Then, in addition to these influences, there           Astrology is a synchronistic model
        are the twelve houses where the planets are            par excellence that interprets our
        tenanted providing a framework for lived               specific connection to the Cosmos.

        experiences. No one is just one sign as we             As a science of the soul, it shows us
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