Page 28 - July 2024
P. 28

crave love, beauty, awe, and wonder. We                These 7 principles (Soul – Mind –
        crave freedom and belonging. We crave                  Body – Heart – Gratitude – Service

        to potentiate to our fullest nature. Still, we  – Love) provide a blueprint for daily
        don’t allow ourselves to actually go there.            living as you invite the truth of who

                                                               you are to come forward and take the
        When was the last time you let a sunset                helm in your life. They are statements
        take your breath away, or really listened              to live by and also deep wells of

        to the sound of the ocean waves as the                 wisdom that empower you to live in
        salty air caressed your face? When was                 greater harmony with your truest

        the last time you felt totally at peace,               nature and your human experience.
        or connected to something bigger than
        yourself? When was the last time you felt  I’ve been a hospice volunteer since

        true freedom? When was the last time                   graduate school, both formally and
        you had a sacred experience, or knew                   informally. Often, as I sit with people

        that you mattered?                                     whose physical lives are ending,
                                                               they speak about the years flying by
        This is what your Soul is calling you                  in the blink of an eye. Nearly all of

        home to. You are longing for a path back  them thought they had more time.
        to your sacred self.                                   More time to enjoy life and do all of

                                                               things they had put off until a better
        Will you listen? Will you hear those 3:00  time. More time to make a different
        a.m. whispers, that quiet voice? Will you  choice. More time to have that difficult

        make the choice to go where you’re being  conversation. More time to be the
        called?                                                person they knew they could become.

                                                               And then—bam! Life shifted, and
        Along my wild, not-at-all linear                       suddenly they were living their last
        journey from psychotherapist                           days or months in this round of Earth

        to Fortune 50 Executive to                             School. They spoke with such clarity
        Transformational Coach, I nevertheless  and conviction about what really

        accessed seven clear spiritual principles  mattered—connection, relationships,
        which I collectively call The Soul                     love—and what, in retrospect, did not
        Solution for a 911 from your Soul.                     matter at all.

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