Page 30 - July 2024
P. 30

Reading Labels

                           Beyond the Surface:

                            The Deep-Rooted Issue of PFAS

                                           and Public Health

        May 21, 2024: The Environmental                        During production and use, PFAS can
        Protection Agency has released the fourth              migrate into the soil, water, and air.

        round of public water system testing data              Because of their widespread use and
        for the “forever chemicals” known as                   their persistence in the environment,
        PFAS, as required by its Fifth Unregulated  PFAS are found in the blood of people

        Contaminant Monitoring Rule, or                        and animals all over the world. Most
        UCMR 5. The data reveal 1,593 sites                    PFAS can build up in people and animals

        have detectable levels of PFAS. The results  with repeated exposure over time.
        highlight the sheer scale of the PFAS
        problem in the U.S. They build on EWG’s                It has been shown that this build up

        landmark PFAS contamination map.                       of forever chemicals can cause health

        PFAS are a group of thousands of highly
        toxic fluorinated chemicals used in                    How are PFAS being consumed
        numerous consumer and industrial                       most commonly?

        products because of their nonstick and                 Though there are many ways a person
        stain-resistance qualities. This  group                can be exposed to PFAS, some of

        of synthetic chemicals are resistant to                the most common include drinking
        grease, water, heat, and oil. Also called              municipal water, using stain and water-
        “forever chemicals”, PFAS have been                    resistant fabrics and carpeting, cleaning

        used in products worldwide since 1940s.                products, paints, fire-fighting foams,
        Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and                      non-stick cookware, food packaging,

        perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) are               food processing equipment like plastic
        the two most well studied amongst the                  cutting boards, baking sheets, and air
        many types.                                            fryers. More examples include fast food

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