Page 35 - July 2024
P. 35

Antioxidant Properties:                                Heart Health:

        Cilantro contains antioxidants like                    The nutrients and antioxidants in
        quercetin and kaempferol, which help                   cilantro contribute to heart health

        neutralize free radicals and reduce                    by reducing bad cholesterol (LDL)
        oxidative stress.                                      levels and increasing good cholesterol
        Anti-inflammatory Effects:                             (HDL) levels.

        The bioactive compounds in cilantro have  Supports Bone Health:

        anti-inflammatory properties that may
        help reduce inflammation in the body.                  The high levels of vitamin K in cilantro
                                                               are essential for bone health and can help

        Digestive Health:                                      in maintaining strong bones.

        Cilantro can aid digestion and has been                Skin Health:
        traditionally used to treat digestive issues
        such as indigestion, bloating, and gas.                Cilantro’s antioxidant and anti-

        Blood Sugar Regulation:                                inflammatory properties can promote
                                                               healthier skin and may help with

        Some studies suggest that cilantro may help  conditions like acne and skin irritation.
        lower blood sugar levels by enhancing the
        activity of enzymes involved in removing               Weight Management:

        sugar from the blood.
                                                               As a low-calorie herb, cilantro can be

        Antimicrobial Activity:                                a flavorful addition to dishes without
                                                               adding extra calories, making it
        Cilantro has natural antimicrobial                     beneficial for weight management.

        properties that can help fight off                     Incorporating cilantro into your diet
        infections and may be effective against                can thus provide these various health

        certain bacteria and fungi.                            benefits, enhancing overall well-being.
                                                               However, it’s important to consume it as
        Detoxification:                                        part of a balanced diet and consult with

                                                               a healthcare provider if you have any
        Cilantro is believed to have detoxifying               specific health conditions or allergies.

        properties, potentially helping to remove
        heavy metals like lead and mercury from                Stephanie Westbrook
        the body.

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