Page 32 - July 2024
P. 32

Cancer Risk Increase: There is an                      How can I avoid consuming PFAS?
        associated increased risk of developing                Though it is virtually impossible to

        certain types of cancer, including                     completely avoid all PFAS, there are
        prostate, kidney, and testicular cancers.              steps you can take to attempt to decrease

        Studies suggest that PFAS may contribute  your consumption of these chemicals.
        to cancer development by disrupting                    The EPA suggests reaching out to
        cellular processes or damaging genetic                 your local water utility to understand

        material.                                              what they are doing to protect your
                                                               community from forever chemicals in

        Immune System Impact: PFAS exposure  the public drinking water. You can also
        can weaken the immune system’s                         ask them to test the water for PFAS, and
        effectiveness, making it harder for the                if they have already done so, request

        body to combat infections. This includes  to see the results. To take matters into
        a diminished response to vaccines, which  your own hands, you can also install

        rely on the immune system to create a                  a filtration system in your home. The
        protective defense against diseases.                   EPA website has a link to all certified
                                                               water treatments that will lower the

        Hormonal Interference: These                           amount of PFAS. Though there has
        substances can interfere with the body’s               been a significant decrease in consumer

        endocrine system, which regulates                      products being made with PFAS, they
        hormones responsible for a wide range                  still can be found in some everyday
        of bodily functions, from growth and                   household items. You can reduce your

        metabolism to mood regulation.                         risk of exposure by being mindful of the
                                                               products you bring into your home.

        Cholesterol and Obesity: Exposure
        to PFAS has been linked to higher                      The information we now have on
        cholesterol levels, a known risk factor                “forever chemicals” paints a concerning

        for heart disease. It may also increase                picture of how they have infiltrated our
        the risk of obesity, further exacerbating              daily lives from food packaging and air

        health problems related to weight                      fryers to water-resistant fabrics. Their
        management and metabolic health.                       long lasting presence in the environment

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