Page 24 - January 2024
P. 24
Rhythms of Healing:
The Therapeutic Power of Drumming
Drumming, an ancient art form rooted in and other neurochemicals that promote
many cultures around the world, is also a feelings of well-being. It has been used to
therapeutic tool with profound effects on boost the immune system, improve motor
the human psyche. This rhythmic practice skills in individuals with neurological
transcends mere musical performance, disorders, and aid in pain management.
tapping into deeper psychological and
physiological realms. The rhythmic patterns in drumming
have also been found to have a direct
The magic behind drumming lies in its impact on the brain. Studies have shown
fundamental nature of rhythm, a universal that drumming can increase Alpha brain
language understood by all. Rhythms, wave activity, which is associated with
much like the heartbeat, are intrinsic to relaxation and mental clarity. Additionally,
us. Drumming creates a synchronicity drumming can help balance the left and
aligning the drummer’s heartbeat, breath, right hemispheres of the brain, leading to
and brain waves with the rhythmic improved cognitive function and creativity.
patterns. This synchronization results
in a meditative state, often referred to as So, pick up your drum and let its rhythm
the “drumming zone,” where the mind carry you into the new year with renewed
becomes more focused and calm. energy, peace, and a deep connection to
the universal heartbeat. Drum your way
From a psychological perspective, to a brighter, more vibrant year ahead,
drumming provides a unique form of where every beat echoes a promise of
expression. It allows for emotional release, wellbeing and harmony.
offering an outlet for feelings that might
be difficult to articulate verbally. This MIS team
aspect is particularly beneficial in therapy,
as it can aid in processing emotions, References:
reducing stress, and alleviating anxiety. Bitman, B. B., Berk, L. S., Felten, D. L.,
Drum circles, in particular, foster a Westengard, J., Simonton, O. C., Pappas,
sense of community and connectedness, J., & Ninehouser, M. (2001). Composite
breaking down social barriers and effects of group drumming music therapy
on modulation of neuroendocrine-immune
enhancing interpersonal relationships. parameters in normal subjects. Alternative
Therapies in Health and Medicine, 7(1), 38-47
Physiologically, drumming is a powerful Chen, X., Wang, S., Shi, W., & Cheah, C. S.
therapeutic tool. The act of drumming (2021). Music in Mind: Neural Entrainment
24 can stimulate the release of endorphins to Beat and Its Therapeutic Applications.
24 Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), 1-16.