Page 11 - February 2021
P. 11

We brought him to Banfield, but they                   himself. After he ate, he fell asleep in a

        had no time to see us that day. Instead                little bed we made for him. We did some
        they referred us to a place a town                     research and determined he was in fact a
        over, who was happy to see us the next                 boy, and we named him Hermes.

                                                               That night, I slept out on the couch with

        After a flea check told us he was clear,               him while my husband slept in the bedroom
        we gave him a gentle dawn soap bath. As  with our dogs. But when I awoke the next
        he was wrapped up in my arms to dry                    morning, he was out on the couch with me,

        off, he began to drift into sleep. That was  snuggling Hermes close to his chest.
        until we opened a can of wet food, and

        his eyes snapped right open. The little                As we drove, Hermes didn’t complain at
        KitKat began to eat. And he ate so much!  all. In fact it seemed at this point that he
        We figured he had been outside this                    liked car rides. A technician came to my

        whole time that he was malnourished,                   car to collect him and brought him inside.
        and monitored him so he didn’t gorge                   I sat, with mild anxiety, for who knows

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