Page 7 - February 2021
P. 7

Ayurveda’s approach to immunization                    Vaccines are made up of parts of the
        is all-encompassing. ‘Vyadhikshamatva’  offending agent and cause the body to

        or resistance to disease through strong                develop passive immunity by making
        immunity is a core philosophy of                       antibodies against it. This means the

        Ayurveda. Strengthening the body                       person receiving the vaccine needs to
        is also covered under ‘Rasayana                        have good immunity for it to properly
        and Vajikarana’ (rejuvenation and                      work. Two or more staggered doses are

        aphrodisia) therapies. And, Nidan                      often needed for protection. Pediatric
        Parivarjan is the principle of avoiding                and adult immunization schedules are

        causes of infection or disease. It requires  provided by the Centers for Disease
        awareness of how the body reacts to                    Control and Prevention (CDC): Vaccines
        unwanted stimuli. Staying away from                    and Immunizations | CDC. These

        polluted water, air and noises which                   rigorous schedules require parents to
        cause harm (5G is a case and point in                  make tough decisions on timing of doses,

        our modern era!) are all examples. It                  combining vaccine, and simply whether
        also involves following healthy daytime,  or not to give them.
        nighttime and seasonal patterns of

        lifestyle and diet, such as eating food                Caregivers need to be able to manage
        rich in antioxidants, avoiding bad                     vaccine side effects, which range from

        food combining, oiling, massaging,                     mild fever and pain at the injection site
        exercising, meditating, chanting                       to severe reactions like Guillain–Barré
        mantras, and so much more.                             syndrome and anaphylaxis. Due to public

                                                               fear, in 2001, thimerosal, a mercury
        In Allopathy, vaccine shots are                        compound used to manufacture certain

        considered a safe and proven way to                    vaccines, was removed from childhood
        prevent unwanted diseases. Most of the                 vaccines because of concerns that it
        world has been eradicated of smallpox,                 caused autism, though the evidence

        polio, tetanus and other diseases                      never proved this.
        because of worldwide vaccination

        efforts. But not all people are keen on                Where does that leave us now? There is
        getting immunized, called ‘vaccine                     mounting pressure for worldwide covid
        hesitancy’. According to The World                     vaccination amidst many unanswered

        Health Organization (WHO), this is                     questions. For example, what is the
        the main reason for major global deaths                vaccine’s actual effectiveness against the

        and disease outbreaks from vaccine-                    known strain and newer, more virulent
        preventable diseases.                                  strains? Will it be given yearly like the

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