Page 35 - May 2024
P. 35

Women who drink milk and consume                       ghee added to foods; and dashamoola tea
        ghee daily can maintain healthy                        consumed daily.

        reproductive tissues and a sexual life
        for a longer period of time (A.S. Sharira              Finally, keeping the mind occupied

        Sthana 1/64). Ashwagandha, in the form                 with healthy activities such as listening
        of powder or arishta is wonderful to help              to pleasant music, spiritual chanting,
        with mood swings, anxiety, stress, and                 meditating, yoga, pranayama, socializing,

        insomnia. Jeerak is useful for digestive               and doing charitable works keep the mind
        disorders and low agni. Balaristha is                  calm and elevates the mood. Exercising in

        used in neurological conditions and                    moderation is extremely important to keep
        vata-related bone and joint weakness.                  the body fit, bones strong, and for mental
        For vaginal atrophy and urinary                        balance. Exposure to fifteen minutes of

        tract infections, chandraphabha vati,                  sunlight daily provides vitamin D needed to
        gokshuradi guggulu and trin panchamool                 keep our bones strong and bodies strong.

        kwath are all useful. For hot flashes,
        kamdudha ras and praval pishti are                     Menopause is a major transition period
        effective in lowering pitta dosha and also             in a woman’s life, but Ayurveda offers

        as a source of calcium. Shatavari rasayana             many pearls of wisdom which can make
        is an all-around marvelous woman’s herb                it easier, healthier, and happier for women

        for strengthening the reproductive organs.             to step into with a cloak of courage and

                                                               given to us by our ancient ancestors.
        Eating foods rich in calcium such

        as dairy and legumes, iron such as
        spinach, fenugreek leaves, and jaggery,                Uma Hingorani
                                                               Advanced Ayurvedic Practitioner
        and antioxidants in colorful fruits and
        vegetables such as berries, pomegranates,              References:
        and beet root is important for overall                 1. (2020, July 7).

        health during menopause. In addition,                  Menopause: Overview.
        many ayurvedic home remedies are                       2. NIH National Institute on Aging (NIA). (2021,

        beneficial in menopause, such as cumin-                September 30). What Is Menopause?
        fenugreek-jaggery ladoos taken daily                   3. Baranwal, V. (2015, June). IJMPNP. 1(1):20-
        with warm milk – to prevent mineral and                4. Cagnacci A. et al. (2019 Sep 18). Medicina.

        nutrient deficiencies; peanut-cashew-                  55(9): 602.
        sesame seed powder added to ground                     5. Anagha S., Deole Y.S. (2023, March 7).

        ginger and cooked in jaggery – taken daily             Menopausal Syndrome.
                                                               6. KS Krishmamurthy and Dr. Hebbar. (2015).
        to restore vitality and energy; shatavari              7. RS Raghuram and Dr. Manasa. (2018, Nov 29).

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