Page 32 - May 2024
P. 32

surprisingly, jives with modern accounts.  incompatible foods; dry, rough, stale,
        Menstruation is the upadhatu, or                       and cold foods; heavy and hard to digest

        subsidiary tissue, of rasa dhatu. So, the              foods which obstruct the body channels;
        function of the menstrual cycle depends                and irregular mealtimes can all cause

        on ahara rasa (the essence of digested                 vata aggravation. Lifestyle factors which
        food) which directly nourishes rasa                    vitiate vata dosha in women include
        (plasma), which in turn, nourishes rakta  excessive sexual activity or physical

        dhatu (blood tissue). Per Sushruta (Su.                exercise, overconsumption of alcohol,
        Su.14/19), ahara rasa is not capable of                and regularly taking naps during

        supporting the reproductive tissues                    the daytime. Experiencing excessive
        responsible for menstruation as the                    emotions such as anger, grief, fear,
        female body ages, the expression of                    confusion, and exhaustion can also give

        which is seen as depleted levels of the                rise to vata vitiation.
        female hormones (decreased pitta

        dosha), reduced kapha dosha, and                       The appearance of wrinkles on the
        increased vata dosha.                                  skin, grey hair, mood changes, loss of
                                                               memory, and tiredness are all evidence

        In our modern and hectic world, which                  of these habits which are the purva rupa
        vibrates with feminist hashtag “metoo”                 (preclinical features) that start to appear

        throngs, vata often gets aggravated early on  during the perimenopausal years. Later,
        in life. We see evidence of this worldwide,            as aging (jara) continues, these symptoms
        as fertility clinics crop up left and right,           of dhatupradoshaja vikara (vitiation of

        due to increasing difficulty conceiving                tissues) due to dhatu kshaya (tissue loss)
        among women. And, on the opposite end                  increase and become visible signs of:

        of the spectrum, vata dosha manifests                  decline in tejas (luster) of the hair and
        as premature menopause. The latter is                  skin, loss of enthusiasm, reduced physical
        termed akaalakrita, menopause before the               strength, and lowered immunity. The loss

        appropriate age, as per Ayurveda.                      of natural estrogen also causes reduced
                                                               lubrication in the synovial joints of the

        In addition to high stress, improper food              knee and hips, stress or urge incontinence,
        and lifestyle habits, and the ease with which          and loss of libido, too.
        surgery is offered in modern times to remove

        the uterus (hysterectomy) and other female             The table below summarizes these
        reproductive parts, vata is further aggravated  and other symptoms of menopause as

        leading to early menopause.                            described by Acharya Sushruta, Charaka,
                                                               and Vagbhatt [(Su. Sa. Sutra Sthana
        Excessive and long-term consumption                    15/9), (A.H. Sutra Sthana 11/17-20),

        of sour, salty, and pungent foods;                     (Cha. Sa. Sutra Sthana 28)].

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