Page 36 - May 2024
P. 36

Reading Labels

         What’s in Your Shopping Cart?

                The Dangers of Ultra-Processed Food for Your Health

        In the quest for disease prevention and                undergo hydrolysis, hydrogenation, or
        overall well-being, there’s a compelling               other chemical alterations. They are then

        case for embracing a diet rich in natural,  combined with minimal whole foods
        minimally-processed whole plant foods.                 using industrial methods like extrusion,
        Beyond mere sustenance, these dietary                  molding, and pre-frying. Additives such

        choices hold the key to unlocking vitality  as colors, flavors, and emulsifiers are
        and longevity. Join us as we delve into                often included to enhance taste. The final

        the myriad reasons why prioritizing                    step involves packaging with synthetic
        whole foods over their ultra-processed                 materials. The additives in these foods
        counterparts is a transformative journey  are included in an attempt to make the

        toward a healthier, more vibrant life.                 product last longer. More examples of
                                                               what an “ultra-processed” food really

        What is ultra-processed food? Ultra-                   is, include chips, french fries, ice cream,
        processed foods, as defined using                      and store-bought bread. The next
        the Nova food classification system,                   level just below these foods are flour,

        includes a variety of convenient items                 cheese, bacon, ham, and nuts which
        such as ready to eat products, including               are considered to be “processed” foods.

        packaged snacks, carbonated soft drinks,  Minimally processed, or unprocessed
        instant noodles, and ready-made meals.                 foods include simply fruits and
        The processed food production cycle                    vegetables.

        begins with breaking down whole foods
        into components such as sugars, oils,                  The truth behind what ultra-processed

        fats, proteins, starches, and fiber. These             foods can do to humans is truly
        components are commonly sourced from  concerning. Using the findings of an
        a select few high-yield plant foods like               international group of researchers

        corn, wheat, and soy. Some substances                  that set out to discover the connection

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