Page 27 - May 2024
P. 27

Or sometimes one person is being                       instigates the glue of effort that allows for
        overly nice, trying to just smooth things  relationships to mature. It is no wonder that
        out but not really responding in an                    in traditional astrology, Saturn is exalted in

        authentic way to what the person’s issue  the sign of Libra, the sign of the scales.
        is. In Modern Man in Search of a Soul,

        Carl Jung says,                                        Polarizations occur because there is
                                                               a part of yourself that you’re missing
        “… nothing is more unbearable than a tepid  and this particular relationship is the

         harmony in personal relationships brought  one to help you see your denied self.
               about by withholding emotions.”                 Remember the alchemical dictum, “As

                                                               above, so below. As within, so without.”
        and in Analytical Psychology, It’s Theory and  You wouldn’t even be in a relationship
        Practice, the Tavistock Lectures, he explains,  with that person if they did not have very

                                                               similar energy to your own. When I see
         “You see there is perfect harmony here but  two peoples birth charts, I can see they

          do not make the mistake of thinking that             have split up the energy between them.
          this harmony is paradise for these people            The unconscious collusion is, “I’ll be this
          will kick against each other after a while           part of you, if you’ll be this part of me.”

           because they are just too harmonious.”
                                                               Our unconscious will find the perfect

        Not only is it vitally important to                    person whether it is a business partner,
        withdraw our projections from each                     a friend or a marriage partner. Even
        other, we must be vulnerable and tell                  daughter or son in-laws, mother or father-

        the other person that we’ve done so.                   in-laws or step-children must learn to
        Say to them, “This, that I saw in you was              cooperate and communicate with each

        probably more about me or this, that I saw  other when they are sharing a family
        about you, I am not seeing anymore.” Start  relationship with another person. It is not
        up this kind of a dialogue.                            unusual to have someone come for a Chart

                                                               Consultation complaining about their son’s
        One of the most valuable aspects about                 wife. The birth charts clearly show they

        long-term relationships is that both people  have the same energy. We marry aspects
        get to know and trust another person.                  of our parents to resolve our unresolved
        Trust takes a long time and many shared                issues with them.

        experiences of demonstrating to each
        other that what’s important to you is                  The teleology of life is it’s leading

        just as important as what’s important to               somewhere, it wants something from
        me. The planet Saturn which rules time                 us so it behooves us to know that what’s

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