Page 23 - May 2024
P. 23

Astrological Insights for May 2024

        Overview                                                Sun US politics goes through a period of
                                                                turmoil and surprises.

        On April 30, Jupiter entered sidereal
        Taurus and it will be residing in Taurus                The most significant celestial event for
        until May 2025.  Taurus being a fixed                   this year if not the decade is the Uranus’s

        and earth sign ruled by Venus, Jupiter                  ingress into sidereal Taurus. After
        in Taurus has a tendency to enhance                     entering Taurus on May 31, Uranus stays

        material prosperity of those who have well  in Taurus till Dec 16, 2024. However, with
        placed and connected Venus and Jupiter                  its retrograde motion Uranus returns
        in their birth charts. Collectively, the                to Aries. Then after transiting through

        transit of Jupiter in the earth (material)              Aries until March 16, 2024, Uranus finally
        sign Taurus is viewed positive from                     reenters Taurus and will stay in Taurus for

        material expansion and prosperity                       next seven years or so.
                                                                Uranus being the planet of a sudden and

        From May 9 to May 16 Sun conjuncts                      uninvited change will certainly affect the
        Uranus within three degrees, and                        matters related to Taurus in a big way.

        then with Jupiter from May 14 to                        Taurus being the earth and fixed sign,
        May 24 within three degrees. Thus,                      the energy of extremely independent,
        over the 15 day span Sun successively                   ambitious, energetic, impulsive and

        conjuncts Uranus and Jupiter.  This is                  capricious Uranus will be reflected in
        an extraordinary planetary event when                   drastic changes in the material world

        Sun closely conjuncts two major planets                 (banking, stock brokers, financial
        within two weeks.                                       institutes, the US Federal reserve and
                                                                reserve banks all over the world) for the

        Conjunction of Sun with Uranus                          next seven years.
        is particularly more important for

        presidential politics in the United States,             Read the whole article here.
        especially for the presumptive republican                             Jagdish Maheshri
        presidential nominee Donald Trump                                     Professional Vedic Astrologer

        since he has Sun, Rahu (the north lunar                               Read Google reviews by google
        node) and Uranus conjunction in sidereal                              searching, “Astro Insight”

        Taurus; Sun and Rahu within 3 degrees                                 For more information about
        and Sun and Uranus within 5 degrees. The                services and classes please visit
        unpredictable Uranus, when conjuncts

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