Page 21 - May 2024
P. 21

disparate sources from pagan and                       sapiens (sentient man) was an abrupt
        Judeo-Christian to the Sumerian texts                  historical event.

        translated by Sitchin and even the
        readings of psychics like Edgar Cayce                  The left and right brain hemispheres

        all indicate that physical life on this                also perfectly correlate with ancient
        planet was tampered with and evolved by  mystical wisdom. In the Gnostic gospels,
        “outside” forces.                                      God or the Source is a singularity but

                                                               It expresses Itself in polar opposites
        The most frequently told version is                    called male and female. It was the

        primitive early primates were manipulated  dynamic action between these forces that
        into higher forms until bodies capable of              generated the light, heat, and motion for
        holding intelligent consciousness were                 creation similar to how the poles of a

        perfected. That would eventually be                    battery generate electrical energy.
        us, folks. This evolution was described

        by different sources as being rather                   The characteristics of the male-female
        experimental with several failures until               forces also corresponded to the left brain/
        success was achieved.                                  right brain characteristics previously

                                                               described. As it is above, so it is below the
        I ran across a statement on a website that  ancient Hermetic adage says. The Gnostics

        nicely sums up this widely-held belief:                validated this by saying everything in the
        “For thousands of years Gods weren’t                   physical dimension is a pale blueprint of a
        in human form. Then they seem to                       higher archetypal dimension.

        have been combined with animals, and
        then finally became completely human.                  Why Hide?

        (Damh the Bard).”                                      With the previously given background,
                                                               we can now address the question of
        Now, you can believe or not believe this               why the charade of psychological and

        happened, but it certainly mirrors the                 biological obstacles to recognizing the
        evolved physical structure of the brain.               animating force within us that led to our

        The reptilian would be the original brain              existence. In the Greek myth of the birth
        of the brute animal. Then came the                     of Dionysius Zeus sires Dionysius on the
        limbic with the capacity to feel followed              mortal woman Semele. She asks to see

        by the final neocortex and the power of                Zeus in his true form. He reveals himself
        reason and abstract thought. It was at                 as light energy and she is destroyed.

        this point that physical forms were finally            The moral of the story? High-frequency
        capable of holding spirit consciousness                energies cannot be contained in lower-
        giving the appearance that modern homo                 frequency vessels.

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