Page 16 - May 2024
P. 16

Expressions of the Five Elements                       dizziness, heart palpitations, insomnia,
                                                               cheerful, communicative, distractible,

        Wood symbolizes the energy of                          nervous, spontaneous.

        springtime - a time of birth and growth.
        The color green is associated with the                 Dietary and lifestyle guidance: eat
        liver and can be seen in all types of plants           bitter foods such as dandelion root

        and trees in bloom. The liver stores blood             and bitter melon, having cooling foods
        and monitors the smooth flow of Qi. The                with your meals like cucumber, mint,

        gallbladder mainly stores and excretes                 watermelon and cilantro can help heat,
        bile and is responsible for the decision-              moderately spicy foods like mild chili
        making process and carrying out plans                  peppers, ginger and garlic can help

        effectively. Imbalance can cause allergies,            circulation but avoid overly hot peppers,
        blurred vision, dry eyes, migraines, PMS,              stress management and exercise is

        skin rash, impatient, indecisive, irritable.           fundamental as well as healthy & positive
        Dietary and lifestyle guidance:

        incorporate some sour flavored foods                   Earth represents a time of harvest
        such as lemon and lime, consume dark                   and abundance which is a symbol of

        leafy greens, stay hydrated, consume less              nourishment. The spleen produces Qi
        alcohol, control mental stress and stay                and blood and maintains the integrity
        physically active to move that Qi!                     of the body by holding everything

                                                               together.  The stomachs’ role is to break

        Fire is related to nature reaching its                 down food and liquids than transport it
        full potential; growth has reached                     downward to the intestines and mentally
        maturity. Our fire aspect represents                   has the same emotions of worry and

        fulfillment or the complete expression                 overthinking of the spleen. Imbalance
        of our being. The heart beholds the                    can cause: acid reflux, bad breath, sugar

        Mind/Consciousness (Shen) and                          cravings, poor appetite, poor digestion
        governs blood and the vessels. The                     (gas, nausea, bloating), difficulty in
        small intestine separates the clear                    losing/gaining weight, chronic worry and

        from the turbid in the body such as                    overthinking.
        absorbing nutrients from food and

        eliminating waste; mentally it is in                   Dietary and lifestyle guidance: enjoy
        charge of making clear decisions                       naturally sweet foods such as bananas,
        by distinguishing between what                         dates, sweet potatoes, carrots and beets,

        is beneficial and what is harmful.                     have more warm cooked foods as they
        Imbalance can cause hot hands and feet,                are easier to digest vs raw cold, try to eat

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