Page 12 - May 2024
P. 12

higher good in selfless ways.  As Neptune
        transits the last few degrees of Pisces, and

        Saturn moves ever closer, the need to give
        form and structure to the spiritual journey/

        process/lessons intensifies.  Magical realism
        is afoot!

        Since Neptune entered Pisces, I think most
        sane people would agree, there’s been a

        whole lot of crazy going on!  Suffice it to
        say, some of the most important things
        happening in our lives and on the planet

        at this time are not registering with the
        five senses, but are being felt at the deepest

        level of our intuitive awareness.  Logic
        and reason have “left the building”, and it
        has grown increasingly difficult to “make

        sense” of this crazy world in the same ways
        that used to work.  Fake news, deep fakes of

        the dark web, and the disturbing potential
        of AI generated visual/auditory falsehoods
        are forcing us to  learn new ways to receive

        and process information.  Our illusions
        about reality continue to tumble by the

        wayside on a daily basis.  The struggle to
        make sense of an increasingly nonsensible
        world becomes ever more challenging.

        The confusion and chaos of the outer
        world have increasingly driven many to

        go inward and place a greater value on
        inner reality (body wisdom, intuition,
        instinctual knowing) for accurate and valid

        information.  We are increasingly called
        upon to become the authority of our own

        psychic/intuitive experience and to give
        greater credence to information gleaned
        from our other dimensional wanderings,

        like dreams and the visions that push into
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