Page 11 - May 2024
P. 11

Aries in March of 2025.  It is during the last

                                                               few degrees of an outer planet transit that
                                                               the lessons of its lengthy transit manifest

                                                               most potently.  Unlike Saturn, Neptune
                                                               inhabits the realm of the intangible, the
                                                               ineffable world of imagination and dream

                                                               vision, undefined symbols, mysterious
                                                               synchronicities that are far too easy

                                                               to ignore, and  “other dimensional”
                                                               experiences, be they of a mystical nature,
                                                               or the product of mental instability.  Soul-

                                                               searching, our desire to make sense of
                                                               the world, and our place in it, runs deep

                                                               and is never ending, in that the purpose
                                                               and meaning of life continually changes
                                                               as we live it.  Neptune communicates

                                                               in nonverbal ways in a language unique
                                                               to our personal vibration that only we

                                                               can learn and translate.   It is difficult to
                                                               communicate Neptune’s experience in
                                                               traditional ways, which is a source of great

                                                               pain and suffering for strongly Neptunian
                                                               people.  They often become the great

                                                               artists, the poets, the songwriters, and the
                                                               story tellers of the time.   When a Neptune
                                                               transit awakens the soul, we become “the

                                                               seeker” in search of some vague, unknown
                                                               something needed to feed the emptiness,

                                                               which is caused by yet another vague,
                                                               unknown something.  This yearning for
                                                               higher purpose is sometimes rewarded

                                                               with a mysterious transcendence of painful
                                                               past patterns, renewed inspiration, a

                                                               stronger connection than ever with “The
                                                               Force”, and the motivation to serve the

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