Page 14 - May 2024
P. 14

The Five Elements of Chinese Medicine

                           Learn how ancient wisdom can guide modern well-
                             being by aligning with nature’s intricate patterns.

        In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there                 predates this significantly. Some texts
        are a number of ways to assess a person’s              mention that it was farmers who
        health and identify any underlying                     actually uncovered the principles of

        imbalances causing illness. One of the
        diagnostic systems we use is the Five

        Phases or Wu Xing (Five Actions). These
        phases are basically a template that
        organizes all natural phenomena into

        five patterns in nature. The patterns or
        elements are wood, fire, earth, metal,

        and water and each has its own set of
        attributes such as season, climate, a
        direction, internal organs, body tissue,

        emotion, aspect of the soul, taste, color,
        sound, and food. The categories are

        limitless. By observing the cosmos, the
        Ancient Chinese found these qualities not
        only in the environment but also in every

        human being. Their spiritual path was to
        live in harmony with the natural world

        and for centuries elemental relationships
        guided them. Humans are an extension
        of nature and by understanding the

        interrelationships between the elements,
        a Chinese medicine specialist can aim to

        restore harmony and balance to all aspects
        of the body.

        The Five Phases were first mentioned
        in the I Ching (The Book of Changes)

        sometime around the ninth century
        BCE in China, but many believe it

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