Page 17 - May 2024
P. 17

meals at a regular time every day, chew                staying balanced in stressful situations.
        thoroughly to ensure food is broken                    Imbalance can cause: low back pain,

        down and absorbed efficiently, prioritize  bladder infection, urinary difficulties,
        emotional balance, practice moderate                   night sweats, ringing in ears, weak bones,

        exercise such as walking and yoga and                  fear, insecurity, secretive.
        make sure to rest when possible.
                                                               Dietary and lifestyle guidance: incorporate

        Metal is the time of “letting go” as seen              black foods like black beans, black sesame

        in nature when growth subsides and                     seeds, blackberries, and seaweed, have salty
        turns inward. The lungs rule all aspects               foods in moderation, stay hydrated for
        of breathing and is in charge of defensive             kidney function, in the winter season have

        qi (exterior qi that guards against illness).          warm and nourishing foods like bone broth,
        The large intestine excretes wastes from               stews and roasted root vegetables, get plenty

        the body received by the small intestine,              of rest and quality sleep and find emotional
        absorbs water and can have difficulty                  balance in journaling, mediation, yoga.
        releasing emotions or resistance to

        change. Imbalance can cause: asthma,                   Do you see the pattern? By incorporating
        chronic cough, dry skin, weak voice,                   the right foods and lifestyle adjustments

        distant, disconnected, reserved.                       into your daily routine, it can help
                                                               promote your overall well-being and
        Dietary and lifestyle guidance: eat pungent            vitality. For some, an intervention is

        foods like onions, garlic, ginger, radishes and        needed whether it be western or eastern
        spicy peppers, drink plenty of water to keep           medicine therefore, it is suggested to

        the organs hydrated, breathing techniques              contact a health care professional if you
        can help strengthen the lungs, process grief           have any underlying health concerns.
        in a healthy way such as talk therapy or

        a support group, make sure to consume                  Interaction of the Elements
        enough fiber for daily bowel movements,

        exercise and sleep is always important.                In the diagram, you will see solid and
                                                               dash lines between each element. Solid

        Water symbolizes a time of connecting                  lines represent the generating cycle
        with the source of life; storing our                   (Sheng) and dash lines represent the
        natural resources and slowing down.                    controlling cycle (Ko). In the sheng

        The kidneys are responsible for growth,                sequence, the phases nourish each other
        development and reproduction. The                      so they can grow and thrive. In the Ke

        urinary bladder stores and excretes                    sequence there is restraint between the
        urine; mentally is associated with                     phases so they do not become excessive.

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