Page 13 - May 2024
P. 13

consciousness when we quiet the mind                   imagination and ethereal possibility. The
        through meditation or wide awake revery.   desire to create a reality (Saturn) “on Earth

                                                               as it is in Heaven” (Neptune) intensifies,
        Traditionally, astrologers often consider              as does the urge to “make dreams and

        Saturn-Neptune connections to be                       visions (Neptune) become reality”
        challenging due to the incompatibility                 (Saturn).  “Practical Pisces” becomes less
        between Saturn’s emphasis on “reality”                 of an oxymoron as we strive to give form

        and Neptune’s preference for the                       and structure to our fantasies.  Many
        ineffable, intangible realm of dreams and              will experiment with new creative ways

        imagination.  The same can be said of their  to “harness” the imagination, without
        ruling signs, Capricorn and Pisces, in spite  stifling it; to give our imaginings a vehicle
        of the fact that they are sextile by aspect,           of expression that can be shared with the

        and share the feminine/receptive mode                  world.  A renaissance of artistic innovation
        of expression.  Perhaps this interpretation            is sure to flourish under this influence as

        is based on a lack of understanding of,                the latent artist in each of us is awakened.
        and appreciation for, feminine energy
        in general.  I think it’s time to rethink              With any planet traveling through

        the interpretation of these astrological               Pisces by transit, we are almost always
        characters, and many others, based on                  confronted with the inscrutable workings

        greater awareness of The Divine Feminine,  of a “Divine Plan”, as situations arise to
        now rising in collective consciousness.                shatter our illusions about reality, expose
        Some of the most important work over                   our vulnerability and “smallness” in the

        the next two years will be to infuse our               Universe, teach us to surrender, annihilate
        social/cultural systems, now being newly               illusions of control, compel us to find

        created, with greater awareness of the                 meaning, force us to become more aware
        value and power of feminine energy.   It is            of synchronistic realities, discover the
        not by accident that this alignment of two             sacred in the mundane, and test our faith

        powerfully feminine archetypes, Saturn                 in ourselves and the divine forces at work
        and Neptune, are coming close enough                   in our lives.  The need to give form and

        to kiss in the powerfully feminine sign of             structure to our spiritual lives is strong
        Pisces at this time.                                   under this influence.

        Saturn infuses Neptune with a certain                  Read the full article here.
        level of practical reality, at the same

        time that Neptune infuses Saturn with                  Kim McSherry

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