Page 10 - May 2024
P. 10

The Saturn/Neptune Dance In Pisces

                           “Gods always behave like the people

                                            who created them.”

                                           (Zora Neale Hurston)

        On March 7, 2023, Saturn, our definer of               with great rewards for effort, patience,
        reality, entered Pisces, where it remains              and hard work done.  Saturn matures and

        until February 2026.  The Saturn cycle                 more fully develops one’s sense of personal
        describes a lifelong process of continually            responsibility and often inspires us to use
        shaping and redefining personal reality as             our skills and abilities in service to the

        life experiences compel us to evolve.  The             larger whole in some capacity.   Transiting
        archetype of “The Inner Authority”, Saturn  Saturn emphasizes issues of respect or

        symbolizes that mature character within                disrespect as a reflection of one’s level of
        who has the capacity to take responsibility            personal mastery and earned authority.
        for a personal definition of reality (internal  We are often called upon to consolidate

        understanding), rather than try to live                resources and make better use of energy in
        according to external “rules of society”,              the areas of life ruled by the house being

        and to gracefully navigate those situations            transited and with the planetary characters
        in life when the two conflict.  Saturn also            being aspected by transiting Saturn.  For
        rules the life structures we create (career,           the sake of comparison, previous transits

        lifestyle, social affiliations, etc.) to support       of Saturn through Pisces occurred from
        our personal definition of reality, and for            January 1994 – April 1996 and December

        which we seek respect from the outer                   1964 – March 1967.  Although you are
        world.                                                 older and (hopefully) wiser, the same
                                                               experiential patterns were in play during

        Saturn by transit delays and postpones                 these years.
        gratification of desires in favor of building

        a solid foundation to support them, or sets  Neptune, our search for redemption/
        limits to test one’s ability to obtain them.           forgiveness and “spiritual” understanding
        It manifests and gives form to visions                 of this crazy journey we call life,  entered

        and goals which one has worked hard to                 its own sign of Pisces in February 2012,
        achieve (i.e. done the homework, prepared  and continues its journey through the

        the foundation, etc.), and can coincide                last degrees of that sign this year, entering

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