Page 20 - May 2024
P. 20

Reflections on the Hidden God

                                                        Part II

        If we go by the creation story common                  usage, which in our case means the

        to most major spiritual traditions, it’s               projected perception of physical reality.
        about a kind of smoke and mirror game
        to allow conscious or spiritual energy to  Souls Along the Frontier

        experience the perception of materiality.  Spirits and souls are not exactly the same.
        It’s what the Hindus called Maya,                      Spirits are the individual consciousnesses

        modern science calls simulated reality,                that have elected to use their free will
        and pop culture calls the Matrix.                      to stay within the harmonic sphere of
                                                               the Source consciousness. In Christian

        In the beginning…                                      terminology, we might say they were the

        To answer the mystery of where and                     angels who stayed before the throne of
        why God might be hiding, we need to                    God. Souls are those spirits who diverged
        dig back deep into the creation beyond                 into other dimensions of conscious

        all the distortions and confusion posed                vibration seeking individual experience.
        by traditional religion. Western or                    They were the pioneers or journeyers

        Abrahamic religions all tell us that                   who strayed by exerting their individual
        human beings were separate creations                   will over that of the collective.
        from God the way Pinocchio was

        a separate creation from Geppetto.                     This falling away from the Source
        The ancient spiritual traditions from                  Consciousness was symbolically echoed

        Hinduism to the early Judeo-Christian                  in the story of the fall of Adam and Eve
        mystics responded to this notion with an               from Paradise. It was more incisively
        emphatic, “NO!”                                        explained in the suppressed Gnostic
                                                               mystical Christian gospels as the fall of

        We are not separate creations and                      consciousness--actually a series of falls--to

        God created nothing. We are, rather,                   lower states of awareness culminating in
        emanations or projections of the very                  consciousness embodying in physical form.
        Mind-Consciousness of God Itself, albeit

        in diluted states of conscious limitation.             Spiritual Evolution
        If God is the Source of the cosmic                     This fall was not sudden; it was gradual

        power grid, we are like the relay stations             and evolutionary in both material and
        stepping down the energy for everyday                  non-material dimensions. Numerous,
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