Page 26 - How to Teach Reading with Heart
P. 26

Introduction to

                                                 Multisensory Learning

                                              What is an Immersion Reading Unit?

        An Immersion Reading Unit, in my                       jump up and hear the sound of white
        interpretation, is comparable to walking               cap waves and seagulls flying overhead.
        into an ocean for the first time and being  Your sense of hearing has been triggered.

        surrounded by nothing but water and                    Your day at the beach has given you a
        pounding waves. You are forced to look                 multisensory, total immersion into the

        at your surroundings, learn how to brace  oceanic world that you will never forget
        your legs against the waves crashing your  because all five senses were involved.
        body. All your senses are learning. Your

        sense of sight quickly begins to watch                 It is much the same with a total
        for the next wave. You run your hands                  immersion reading unit. Most people

        through the water sometimes feeling a                  just call them a reading unit. Maybe
        clump of seaweed, thus, your sense of                  a better title would be a Multisensory
        touch. Your sense of smell distinguishes               Immersion Reading Unit. I like to add

        the strong, acrid smell of salt in the air.            the word immersion because that is my
        You decide to plunge head-first in the                 goal with my units, to have students

        water and immediately swallow a mouth  totally involved and taking over the
        full of salt water. You have learned the               teaching of themselves. My meaning
        taste of the ocean. You immediately                    when I say students taking control

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