Page 21 - How to Teach Reading with Heart
P. 21

additional letters he struggled with. We               methods would not be effective. Before
        practiced with “G” to no avail. It soon                Sammy’s third grade year came to an

        became apparent Sammy had no visual or  end, we were informed he would not be
        auditory recognition of the letter “G.” The  returning to our district. He is one of the

        sound of “G” was in his spoken language.               many with a place in my heart.
        What happened in his cerebral pathways
        that he could not make the visual                      Before I introduce you to David, I would

        connections to the sound of “G?” I had                 like to digress for a moment to tell of a
        no answer, came up empty researching a                 special moment in the month of June,

        specific cause. My next step was a trip to             after Sammy’s third grade year. For several
        a craft store to purchase “G” in all forms.            years I had been making an annual
        A paper “G”, a metal “G”, “G” stickers etc.            pilgrimage to a hidden treasure located

        Sammy and I made “Gs” together in my                   west of Houston. It is a place of inspiration
        attempt to bring into play the five senses.            that calls to young musicians from all over

                                                               the world to gather and learn from the
        Sammy did not like our activities. He felt  finest master musicians on the planet. On
        it was childish work. Frustration set in.              this particular afternoon I was observing

        I knew what his inner voice was telling                a young woman from Brazil during
        him. I had heard it many times before                  her lesson being taught by a master

        from struggling readers. “I am too dumb  musician, a conductor of a well-known
        to learn to read.” Negative classroom                  European orchestra. The lesson began,
        behavior escalated to the point we had                 she played her violin for him, he listened.

        to stop our lessons. Sammy and the                     As someone who is not a musician, to
        letter “G” stayed in the back of my mind.  me it was wonderful. It was obvious this

        In fact, a strange visual began playing                young woman was accustomed to kudos,
        in my head. It was something I would                   but none came from the teacher. Instead
        never, nor could ever do. This was the                 there were three measures he kept having

        visual. If I took a basketball and threw               her play over and over asking, “didn’t you
        it at Sammy’s gut so hard it knocked                   notice the note you missed?” Her whole

        the breath out of him and at that                      demeanor changed. This was a pampered
        instant of impact when the sound “ugg”                 young woman not accustomed to a
        automatically came up from his gut and                 “Saturnian” taskmaster. Then he played

        I held up a lighted “G” in front of him,               the measures and I heard it! I heard the
        would he have made the connection? As  note, the strength of sound the note gave

        I stated, it was never going to happen,                the selection. She also heard it. Tried
        but I knew he had to feel the vibration                over and over to replicate his sound to no
        of the “G” sound in his gut. The usual                 avail. Then this master musician made

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