Page 16 - How to Teach Reading with Heart
P. 16

Reading: The Most Difficult

                         Task for the Brain to Learn

                                                       Part II

        As we brave this world of change, we                   pathways. In other words, their brain is

        each are asking what the future holds?                 open and receptive to learning in a new
        Mother Nature has blasted us, thrown a                 environment.
        brick wall in front us, threw the gear shift

        into neutral while the car was running.                I would like to backtrack for a moment
        Whatever metaphor you like we have                     to last month and ways to help your first

        been forced into a time of introspection.  grade readers move on to second, third
        That is what I am calling it, not isolation.  grade and beyond.
        The Universe is forcing a closer look

        at how we live our lives. How we treat                 First, the concept of “before and after.”
        others. How we treat our planet. With                  “Wait, my son knows the meaning of

        my rose-colored glasses on, I am praying  before and after.” Yes, but not in the
        for a kinder, gentler world. One aspect of  context of reading. An activity to check
        this introspective time is the realization             on a student’s skill of this concept can

        by parents and guardians they must                     easily be done with the Alphabet Arc.
        continue homeschooling.                                As you have worked with the alphabet

                                                               arc and the letters have been touched,
        Facing the fact that schools are closed                named, and sounded out, next have your
        for the year have left some nervous with               child place both index fingers on any

        trepidation. “How can I be sure my child               letter.
        is learning what they need?” No need to

        stress. It does not matter that you are not            Script example: “Place both index fingers
        teaching in the same way their classroom               on the letter P, does the letter D come
        teacher did. Funny thing about the                     before or after the letter P? “ Now, place

        human brain, during times of change it is  both index fingers on the letter G, does
        easier for the brain to create new neural
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